Navigating the Nexus of Sustainability: Addressing Climate Change and ESG Principles


In recent decades, the world has witnessed an increasing recognition of the urgent need for sustainable practices to mitigate the impacts of climate change. As concerns about environmental degradation grow, so does the emphasis on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. This article delves into the interconnectedness of sustainability, climate change, and ESG, highlighting the crucial role they play in shaping the present and future of our planet.

The Imperative of Sustainability

Sustainability entails meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It encompasses environmental conservation, social equity, and economic viability. At the heart of sustainability lies the challenge of curbing climate change, one of the most pressing issues of our time.

Climate Change: A Global Crisis

Climate change, primarily driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, has led to a rise in greenhouse gas emissions. The resulting increase in global temperatures has triggered a cascade of environmental and societal consequences, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions in ecosystems.

Addressing climate change necessitates a multifaceted approach that encompasses policy changes, technological innovations, and behavioural shifts. Transitioning towards renewable energy sources, adopting sustainable land-use practices, and enhancing energy efficiency are key strategies to mitigate climate change’s adverse effects.

ESG Principles: A New Paradigm

Simultaneously, the integration of ESG principles is causing a paradigm shift in the business world. ESG refers to the assessment of a company’s performance based on its environmental impact, treatment of social issue, and adherence to good governance practices. Investors, consumers, and regulators are increasingly scrutinizing companies’ ESG practices, recognizing the link between financial success and responsible behaviour.

Intersecting Pathways: Sustainability, Climate Change, and ESG

The interplay between sustainability, climate change, and ESG is undeniable. ESG criteria serve as a compass for sustainable investing, guiding capital towards companies that are actively combatting climate change and prioritizing ethical practices. Sustainable business strategies, in turn, contribute to mitigating the adverse effects of climate change.

Challenges and Future Outlook

Despite growing recognition of the significance of sustainability and ESG, challenges remain. The outlook for the future is dependent on collaborative efforts. Governments, businesses, and individuals must all work together to promote sustainability. Through incentives, regulations, and international agreements, policymakers play a critical role in creating an enabling environment. Technology and financial innovations will also be critical in advancing sustainable solutions.


The convergence of sustainability, climate change, and ESG principles marks a pivotal moment in our history. Recognizing the inextricable links between these factors is essential for devising effective strategies to combat climate change, promote responsible business practices, and secure a sustainable future for generations to come. Embracing this nexus not only safeguards our planet but also paves the way for a more equitable and prosperous global society.


  • Alternate Material

The materials which have less environmental impact and lower overall carbon emissions during production as compare to other material are categorized as alternate material.

The examples are,

  1. In India, earthen pot use for drinking tea and water place plastic gasses.
  2. Use of bamboo and silk in making fabrics
  3. Biodegradable Plastic
  • Biodegradable

The material that can be taken back to earth naturally by process of decomposition and complete breakdown in presence of microorganism like bacteria and fungi is considered as biodegradable material.

The examples are,

Bamboo, Wood, jute

  • Biodiversity

The term biodiversity came for biological diversity and use in context of variability of life on the Earth. This includes the variety of different species, microorganism, animals and plants on the Earth from different sources like terrestrial, marine and desert ecosystems.

  • Biological Cycle

The biological cycle is mainly related to material that is biodegradable and returns to earth in the form of compost or other nutrient after series of changes.

  • Carbon border tax(COP27)

This is imposing an import duty on a product manufactured in a country with more lax climate rule than the one buying it.

  • Carbon foot print

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by action of human being and in particular individual, organization, service, places or community.

  • Carbon leakage

The case where developed nation in effort to cut emission, impose high cost on carbon-intensive business in their own country and because of the business move to country where less stringent rules are applicable , this is called as Carbon leakage.

  • Carbon sink

Carbon sink is any system that absorbs more carbon than it emits. The main natural carbon sinks are soil, forests and oceans. The mangroves are green belt and a powerful carbon sink that absorb CO2.

  • Carbon neutral

Carbon neutrality means having a balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks. Removing carbon oxide from the atmosphere and then storing it is known as carbon sequestration. In order to achieve net zero emissions, all worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will have to be counter balanced by carbon sequestration or the reduction of carbon dioxide equivalents [CO2e] to the level equals to carbon foot print is a “Carbon Neutral”. 

  • Carbon offset

Carbon offset is any activity that compensates for the emission of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane, measured in carbon dioxide equivalents [CO2e]) which can be perform elsewhere.

The example of compensates for the emission elsewhere:

  1. reduction in GHG emissions by one or the combination of  reduce, reuse, recreate and recycle waste at source or an increase in carbon storage through land restoration or
  2. the planting of trees elsewhere by investing in plantation project for balancing carbon foot print.
  3. Other can invest in other projects solar power and similar other.

Carbon offsets can be bought, sold, or traded as part of a carbon market.

  • Carbon Credit

A carbon credit is a kind of permit that represents 1 ton of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. The Carbon credit is set permissible limit to organization and a single credit represents 1 tonne of CO2e (or Carbon dioxide equivalent) that the company is allowed to emit.

Carbon credits only exist in markets with Cap & Trade regulations. The limit, or cap are the level of emissions of carbon dioxide from industry activities and trade is market for industry to buy and sell.

Carbon credits are not same as carbon offset.

  • Circular economy

Circular economy helps in keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible and this is carried out by designing the product which is more durable , can be repaired, can be recycled, can be refurbish and so life cycle of product extended. It focuses on reducing the waste and creating value at each stage of life cycle.  

  • Climate Adaption

Climate adaption is climate change adaption where require actions are taken to reduce the negative effect of climate change by taking advantage of new opportunities in area of ecological, social, or economic system by adjustment in response to climate impact.

  • Cradle to Cradle

Michael Braungart and William McDonough in their book “Cradle to Cradle — Remaking the Way We Make Things” mentioned about “Cradle to Cradle”.

This concept categorise all the material existed in the “technical” or “biological” nutrients / cycle and believes in any raw material not to be thrown but reuse indefinitely.

  • Cradle to Grave

In general cradle represents the start of life and grave, end of life. But here this term use in relation of business perspective and impact of the overall business on the environment from extraction of raw material to use of raw material, convert it into product and disposal/ recycling in any form.

The cradle to grave management is an approach for analysis and also a waste management approach.

  • Depletion of natural resources

The availability of natural resources on the earth is consumed in faster way as compare to its generation or replenishment is a state of depletion of natural resources.The natural resources are categorized in two form and they are renewable resources and non-renewable resources

  • Eco Design

Eco design is a concept or an approach where environmental impact is considered in designing any product or services form its developmental stage to disposals.

  • Eco friendly

The product or service which does not harm to environment during its life span or it is safe for the environment.

  • Eco living

The lifestyle of human being or society which strive for protection and preservation of environment by considering the negative impact of climate change and adopting initiatives  such as save water, power ,biodiversity etc.

  • Ecological stability

Ecological stability is ability of ecosystem or environment to maintain a study state. That is, it resists changing in condition of ecological disturbance.

  • Ecological balance

Ecological balance is a habitat where harmonious coexistence found between human being, animals, plants, microorganism and overall environmental ecosystem. 

  • Efficient disposal

The disposal of waste material by considering its impact on the environment by use of waste management, engineered landfills and considering the reuse and recycle aspect of material.

  • Energy efficient

Energy efficient term use in context of gadgets/equipment which consume electric power and energy efficient are those gadgets/equipment which consume less energy to produce same output.

  • Environmental impact

An environmental impact is state of change to the environment in positive or negative way may be from the activities of human, industrialization or any social reason.

  • Geoengineering

Geoengineering or called as climate engineering is carried out to reverse the impact of climate change or to reduce the greenhouse gases by means of interference in the Earth’s natural system.

  • Greenhouse gases

The gases that trap heat in atmosphere are called as greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases are Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas, other gases are Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide(N2O) and Fluorinated gases such as Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride.

  • Green product

A product which is design and made by considering its less impact on environment and sustainable throughout the life of product and also at end of life is called as Green Product. The example are, Electric vehicle, Organic food, Product in which solar energy use, etc.

  • Green technology

A technology which consider environmental aspect and sustainability during designing, in making of the product and its end of life, overall which restrict the adverse effect on environment.

  • Light weighting

Light weighting from the view of sustainability is to reduce the weight of product by change in design or use of light weight material whose strength is not compromised or overall design and does not contribute adverse effect on product but at same time it contribute in achieving sustainability by less greenhouse gases emission.

  • Linear Economy

 Linear economy is term related to extracting of the raw material from earth and converts it into product, use it and throw it as waste. This results in waste generation, pollution and carbon emission.

  • Long product lifespan

The life of product form when it was produce to the end of its life is a product lifespan. And this lifespan to be long as far as possible so that reproduction can be minimized and contribute in sustainability.

  • Long term thinking

The thinking about future of environment considering the concepts of sustainability, impact of climate change and its mitigation is a way of long term thinking. 

  • Low impact material

The material which has its influence on environmental sustainability is less as compared to other materials when in use, which help in overall reduction in GHG emission.

  • Net Zero

Net zero is a balance between amount of Green Houses Gases produce by human activities and amount of Green House Gases removed from the atmosphere.

  • Organic

The word organic is use in context of method of agriculture and or food farming. So, the food which produced with use of only natural materials /chemicals and there is no use of artificial chemical in the form is pesticides and fertilizer is organic and food called as organic food. The examples of natural materials are poultry droppings, compost, cattle manures,

  • Recover

Recover(ing) wrt to sustainability is transforming any waste, by product and unusable things in sustainable or useful product.

  • Recycle- Up cycle- Down cycle

When the thrown away material is recycled and fetch higher value it is Up-Cycle  and where recycle result in lower value after recycled, is Down Cycle.

  • Recycled material

The recycle materials are products which are made from the material which are supposed to be thrown away. By collecting such material (e.g. Plastic, Paper, Glass etc) and processing it to make new product called as recycled material.

  • Redesign

Redesigning is designing the material or end product by changing its raw material, ingredient or changing the appearance and function by considering the environmental sustainability, GHG emission.

  • Reduce

Reduce is amount of waste we generate that can be curtail or restrain by various means.

  • Reforestation

The existing land of forest of which forest has been destroyed, may be of any reason like wildfire, drought etc where again plantation of trees carried out with aim to renew is reforestation.

  • Refurbish

Refurbishing is a method to improve from existing status to its sustainable use.

  • Refuse

Refuse can be simply put as saying NO to unsustainable product, non-environmental friendly material. Example, refuse the single use plastic in other word SAY NO to Single use plastic.

  • Remanufacturer

A remanufacturer is a company that takes used or damaged products and repairs, refurbishes, and re-sells them as new products, reducing waste and the need for raw materials. This supports sustainability efforts by reducing the environmental impact of producing new items.

  • Repair

In general repair meaning to correct the old item/damage item and to make it usable. Whereas when considering sustainability the thought process behind repair is to use the item as long as it can be used to before if dispose of.

  • Repurpose

Repurposing is the practice of using an existing item in a different way to reduce waste and promote sustainability. It is a form of creative reuse that can extend the life of an item and reduce the need for additional resources.

  • Resources

Resources are materials, energy, knowledge, and services that are available to support sustainable development.

  • Restore

Restore is a concept used in sustainability that focuses on the repair and revitalization of natural systems that have been damaged or degraded due to human activity. It is often done through the introduction of native species, the removal of invasive species, and the reintroduction of traditional land management practices.

  • Rethink

Rethink is about thinking to use, to design, to consume, in very different way and critically so that our action could not harm negatively on environment.

  • Reuse

Reuse is using the product / material more than once.

  • Rewilding

Rewilding is related to restoring the piece of land to its original environment, which include introduction or reintroduction of plant and animals and conserving it to its natural level.

  • Sustainability

The sustainability include three types of sustainability and they are

  1. Economic Sustainability
  2. Social Sustainability
  3. Environmental Sustainability

Whereas Sustainability form point of view of ecological balances, it is action from the individuals of our society to act for avoiding the depletion of natural resources considering the balance between economic growth and environment.

  • Sustainable consumption

The use of material, product or any service in such a way that it reduces/ minimized its impact on environment.

  • Technical Cycle

The concept of any cycle like biological cycle and/or technical cycle is connected with how any product and/or material can be kept in circulation.

In technical cycle product/material can be kept in circulation by using the concept of Reuse, Repaired, Recycled and Remanufacture.

  • Upgrade

Upgrading any product consist of making it more efficient to use with extended life.

  • Waste prevention

Waste prevention starts from concept of not generating/ minimizing / reducing any waste anywhere in the society that may be in home or in office, etc in everyday life.

  • Design for disassembly

Design for disassembly is related mostly with the end-of-life possibility and opportunity on how a product or disassembled part may be design so that it fully complete the technical cycle.

  • Water foot print

Water is precious and whatever we use/consume in our daily life, there is water. And measure of this water consume or use to produce these goods is our Water foot print.

The water foot print has three parts and they are Green, Blue and Gray water foot print.

Green water is use by plants and return back to environment.

Blue water, is the water which is found in lake, river use for drinking and in manufacturing /service industries.

Gray water is water which is already used and having impurity and required to purify to return to atmosphere.


Not only the temperature that is keep global warming below 2 dec centi but there shall be focus on the water management, reducing the use of fossil fuel and carbon offset scheme implementation, focus mainly on carbon. All this has to be again and again required to push from each local event to contribute at global level in reducing the carbon and water foot print.

In 1992, countries joined an international treaty, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as a framework for international cooperation to combat climate change by limiting average global temperature increases and the resulting climate change, and coping with impacts that were, by then, inevitable.

By 1995, countries launched negotiations to strengthen the global response to climate change, and, two years later, adopted the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol legally binds developed country Parties to emission reduction targets. The Protocol’s first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012. The second commitment period began on 1 January 2013 and will end in 2020.

There are now 197 Parties to the Convention and 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) established on 21 March 1994. As on today total 198 countries gave their consent for the Convention, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. These 198 countries from the all over the universe are called Parties to the Convention.

The primary purpose, aim and objective of the UNFCCC are preventing the “dangerous” human interference such as greenhouse gas emissions and to protect the earth from the threat of climate change.

Conference of Parties (COP)

The Conference of Parties (COP) is the apex decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP members have been meeting every year since the year 1995.

The first conference (COP1) was held in 1995 in Berlin


This year twenty-seventh conference (COP27) is being held at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt 06 Nov 2022 – 18 Nov 2022.


The logo of COP 27 comprises of the Sun, the Sun of Aten, the Horizon and the Globe. The meaning of each terms is as below,

The Sun:

The sun, is one of the most significant items Africa is known of, it’s believed to some people that its rising and setting is considered a metaphor to the cycle of life, from birth to death to re-birth. The light the sun brings together with its warmth are essential for life on Earth.

The Sun of Aten:

It is Aten represented in the sun with its rays that ends with human hands. The hands symbolize giving life and prosperity to the people and all the welfare that we are blessed with. Also the it represents the useful sun rays that earth can benefit from.

The Horizon:

The horizon represents the border line between the useful and harmless rays of the sun, what we must receive from the sun that can benefit of Earth and people, and what we must avoid.

The Globe:

The globe incorporated in the logo represents how we should contain earth and keep it preserved, balanced and safe. It also represents Africa, the continent hosting COP27 in 2022.


In the COP 21 which was held in Paris from 30 November to 12 December 2015, 196 parties adopted the “Paris Agreement,” a landmark agreement and a commitment to keep global warming below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and preferably limit warming to 1.5°C and is entered into force 4 November 2016.

To achieve this long-term temperature goal, countries aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible to achieve a climate neutral world by mid-century.


Not only the temperature that is keep global warming below 2 dec centi but there shall be focus on the water management, reducing the use of fossil fuel and carbon offset scheme implementation, focus mainly on carbon. All this has to be again and again required to push from each local event to contribute at global level in reducing the carbon and water foot print.

Study of Requirement of “Documented Information” as per ISO 50001:2018

ISO standardized the standards in eight clauses as per ANNEX SL, High Level Structure and is applicable for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 and so in ISO 50001:2018.This help the organization to integrate two or more ISO standards as a part of Integrated Management System.

With this changed “Documented Procedure” and “Record” both concept has been replaced by text “Documented Information” throughout all the standards and standards use the terms “Retain Documented Information” and  “Maintain Documented Information”.

Retain Documented Information:

It simply means RECORDS, where evidence is of prime importance, such as dimension report.

Maintain Documented Information:

Means other than record which is required to keep up to date, example are Policies, Objectives, and SOP.

So it will be interesting to list out and learn about the documented information, clause wise with categorization in Maintain and Retain Documented Information.

  1. Clause 4.3 Determining the scope of the energy management system

Maintain- The EnMS scope and boundaries shall be maintained as documented information.

Retain- Not Applicable

  1. Clause 5.2 Energy policy

Maintain- The energy policy shall be available as documented information.

Retain- Not Applicable

  1. Clause 6.2 (6.2.2) Objectives, energy targets and planning to achieve them

Maintain- Not Applicable (It is advisable to make procedure on how objective and targets shall be)

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information on objectives and energy targets.

  1. Clause 6.2 (6.2.3) Objectives, energy targets and planning to achieve them

Maintain- Not Applicable (It is advisable to make procedure on how achieve objective and targets)

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information on action plan to achieve objectives and energy targets.

  1. Clause 6.3 Energy review

Maintain- The organization shall maintain the methods and criteria used to develop the energy review as documented information.

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information on results of energy review.

  1. Clause 6.4 Energy performance indicators

Maintain- The method for determining and updating EnPI(s) shall be maintained as documented information.

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information of EnPI value(s).

  1. Clause 6.5 Energy baseline

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain information of EnB(s),relevant variable data and modification to EnB(s) as documented information.

  1. Clause 6.6 Planning for collection of energy data

Maintain- Not Applicable(It is advisable to maintain procedure for energy data collection plan , its frequency)

Retain- (1) The organization shall retain information of EnB(s), relevant variable data and modification to EnB(s) as documented information.

              (2) The collected data which include, relevant variable for SEUs, energy consumption and operational criteria related to SEUs, static factor and data specified in action plan shall be retain as documented information.

  1. Clause 7.2 Competence

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- Retain documented information as evidence of competence.

  1. Clause 7.4 Communication

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall consider retaining documented information of suggested improvement.

  1. Clause 8.1 Operation planning and control

Maintain- Documented information on operation planning and control to the extent necessary to have confidence that processes have been carried out as planned.

Retain- Documented information on operation planning and control to the extent necessary to have confidence that processes have been carried out as planned.

  1. Clause 8.2 Design

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information of design activities related to energy performance.

  1. Clause 9.1(9.1.1) Monitoring ,measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance and the EnMS

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- (1) The organization shall retain documented information on the results of the investigation and response to significant deviation in energy performance.

             (2) The organization shall retain documented information on the results from monitoring and measurement.

  1. Clause 9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information on the results of the evaluation of compliance and any action taken.

  1. Clause 9.2(9.2.2) Internal audit

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the implementation of the audit programme(s) and audit results.

  1. Clause 9.3(9.3.4) Management review

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the result of management review.

  1. Clause 10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action

Maintain- Not Applicable

Retain- The organization shall retain documented information of the nature of the nonconformities and subsequent action taken, secondly the results of any corrective action.

                           With above all the requirements, clause 7.5 has been dedicated to Documented Information, this is about what is to be included in EnMS, how to create and update the documented information by identification and description like title ,date, reference number ,its format like language , review and approval, secondly on how to control documented information including external origin documents, if any.

4th March World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development Adopted by UNESCO

At World Engineers Convention, Melbourne, Dr Marlene Kanga, President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) announced on November 20th, 2019 that, 4 March will be celebrated annually as World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development.

Dr Marlene Kanga

The resolution to proclaim 4th March of every year a World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development in November 2019 has adopted in The 40th General Conference of UNESCO.

About WFEO
WFEO – World Federation of Engineering Organizations.
WFEO established on March, 4th 1968, by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris.
The World Federation of Engineering Organizations is an international, non-governmental organization representing the engineering profession worldwide.
A key objective is to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through engineering.
WFEO is an international platform where issues related to engineering are discussed and addressed.
The World Federation of Engineering Organizations brings together national engineering organizations from some 100 nations and represents more than 30 million engineers from around the world.

Proposal for World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development has got support from 80 + Engineering Organization and 40 + countries /regions. From India it is supported by

  1. Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) India, and
  2. The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) India.


World Engineering Day Logo

The logo is representation of commitment to the UN 2030 Agenda.

[UN 2030 Agenda: The new Goals and targets came into effect on 1 January 2016 to guide the decisions, take over the next 15 years. This includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals with 169 associated targets which are integrated and indivisible.]

17 Sustainable Development Goals

In the logo there are 17 colours which represent UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable Development Goals for Water, Energy, Sustainable Infrastructure and Innovation where engineers and engineering needed are symbolized with each colour, located at the centre of the image of logo. The goal for Engineering Education is also central as the world needs more engineers with the right engineering skills for sustainable development.

World image and Gear in the logo represent that this is a global day for everyone and engineers are driving the world and engineering is essential for Sustainable Development.


  1. Create awareness of World Engineering Day as an important international day for achieving
  2. Sustainable development by governments, civil society, industry, and the public;
  3. Increase awareness of engineering, its impact on modern life and that it is crucial to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  4. Highlight the achievements of engineers and the essential role of engineers in promoting sustainable development;
  5. Encourage more young people, especially girls and women, to consider engineering as a career.


WED Logo
WED Poster

Have a wonderful CELEBRATION of World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development.

COP23 : The Climate Change Conference at Bonn, Germany

At present 23 rd conference on Climate Change named as COP23 gathering underway  at Bonn , Germany from 6 to 17 November 2017.This COP23 ( Conference of the  parties) is having its own advantage with respect to Climate change.

This write-up aim to  simplify COP23 on Climate Change with respect to its background, objectives, purpose and other related things like its logo ,quote from leaders and India’s stand so that will help to understand its importance in general.


In November – December 2015 COP21 (Conference of the parties) held in Paris and the coming out from negotiation form parties is popularly known as “Paris Agreement”.

Now, what is Paris Agreement?

The Paris agreement adopted by 195 countries is the world first universal, legally binding climate deal, as part of COP21 (Conference of the parties) held in November – December 2015 at Paris.

This Paris agreement focus on specific action and target for reducing greenhouse gases emission and financing mitigation and adaptation effort in developing countries.

This agreement sets a global plan on how to limit the increase in global temperature to well below 2 degree Clesius above pre industrial level and make strong effort to keep the rise to 1.5 degree Celsius.

This deal entered into force on November 4, 2016 after the European Parliament gave its consent to the EU’s ratification.

Its beginning:

It was all started from Rio convention or known as Rio Earth Summit and here UNFCCC ( United Nation Frame work Convention on Climate Change) was adopted in year 1992.This is marked as first effort by international community to tackle the problem of climate change.

Here, UNFCCC established the action to reduce the green house gases in the earth’s atmosphere.

About COP23 (Conference of the parties):

  1. This COP23 (Conference of the parties) is presiding by Fiji with the support of government of Germany. This conference (UNFCCC) open in Bonn , Germany on November 6 , 2017.
  2. Delegates elected Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama, Fiji, as president of the conference.
  3. During the opening session, UNFCCC executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa said COP23 should take steps to complete the Paris agreement‘s structure and advance pre-2020.

 Logo of COP23 :


  1. This logo represent the vulnerability to climate change of a small island developing state like Fiji.
  2. Logo shows island is partially submerged and huge wave down on it in the form of cyclone with eye in middle.

Quotes I like and having message regarding Climate Change:


 “I call on governments at all levels, NGOs, the scientific community, the business community, labor organizations and all of civil society to join me in a grand coalition to save our Earth and the people and other living things that call it home.”


H.E. Mr. Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji , President of COP23


“I encourage governments to come to COP 23 ready to work together to accelerate implementation and take the crucial next steps towards transformative change. I also encourage public and private sector leaders and every citizen to follow what happens at this year’s conference on our website and on social media to understand how to take action.”


Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary UNFCCC

COP23 ,Climate Change and INDIA

  1. In India, Prime Minister Modi had replied to one of the media question “Paris or no Paris, it is our conviction that we have no right to snatch from our future generation their right to have a clean and beautiful earth.”

PM modi at paris

  1. Also , Prime Minister Modi said that the country will go “Above and Beyond” the Paris agreement with a call to action :” We must leave for our future generation a climate where in they can breathe clean air and have a healthy life.”
  2. Also he mentioned that , the government has demonstrated a deep understanding of the need to reduce India’s dependency on fossile fuels, and a recognition of the sever effects of carbon emmision pollution on human health.
  3. India has its ambitious targer of 175 GW of renewable energy generation by 2022 and already added 11.3 GW of renewal energy.

Some of Media Headlines on COP23 :

India Pavilion Launched at Cop 23 in Bonn Conserving Now, Preserving Future” is India’s Theme

-Business Standard

Yoga session a hit among visitors at UN climate change conference.

  • Economic Times


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Source: Internet